About Us
Põhjatransport OÜ is based on 100 % Estonian capital and owners have been in transportation business since 1995. Regular carriages under the name OÜ Põhjatransport started from 1997. The principle rule from the beginning has been – development through experience up to high-quality service. It means that our service is trustworthy for the customer. One more step towards personal service was done with specializing to delivery from door to door.
Today we have customers all over Scandinavia. Regular carriages Tallinn – Helsinki – Tallinn carriages we deliver during 24 hours. Regular carriages Tallinn – Stockholm – Oslo and Tallinn – Stockholm – Trondheim depature from Tallinn is three times per week and delivery time will be agreed personally with the customer.
The trucks have developed with the company and today we can transport any type of cargo what needs to be delivered. Three trucks have full draw-wall for long goods transportation. Transport of hanging clothes and frozen goods can also be done if needed.
We can offer custom clearance as personal service and custom-house broker service. We can store customer´s goods in our warehouse if it´s needed.
We communicate with customers in Finnish, English, Russian language. If you wish then also in Swedish and Norwegian.
All our workers have made OÜ Põhjatransport a personal logistics company which considers various needs of the customer.
We enjoy solving Your transport problems!
Respectfully Your’s,
OÜ Põhjatransport